Anna Karenina

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Anna Karenina

by Leo Tolstoy

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Considered by some to be the greatest novel ever written, “Anna Karenina” is Tolstoy’s classic tale of love and adultery set against the backdrop of high society in Moscow and Saint Petersburg. A rich and complex masterpiece, the novel charts the disastrous course of a love affair between Anna, a beautiful married woman, and Count Vronsky, a wealthy army officer. Tolstoy seamlessly weaves together the lives of dozens of characters, and in doing so captures a breathtaking tapestry of late-nineteenth-century Russian society. As Matthew Arnold wrote in his celebrated essay on Tolstoy, “We are not to take Anna Karenina as a work of art; we are to take it as a piece of life.”

The best novel ever written. —William Faulkner

A perfect work of art. —Fyodor Dostoyevsky

One of the greatest love stories in world literature. —Vladimir Nabokov

To read him… is to find one’s way home… to everything within us that is fundamental and sane. —Thomas Mann


ISBN 9789897786310
Publisher Beelzebub Classics
Published Date 2020-05-12
Language en
Printed Length